“I’m Vermont Tough” Being Put To The Test
By Dell Hill
One might think that this many weeks past the arrival of Tropical Storm Irene that everyone would be “cleaned up” and back in business. Not so; not even close.
In fact, it may be many more months - and many millions of dollars - before parts of Vermont have been rebuilt and fully recovered.
This is a report today from WCAX TV in Burlington, Vermont showing how just one segment of one State highway is being rebuilt from scratch. Click on the link and watch the video report.
To add salt to the wound, environmentalists are now getting in to the act. Gravel and stone, which are needed to build a road’s base, comes primarily from rivers, and the environmentalists are going so far as to seek court orders preventing that stone from being removed - despite the fact that nearly all of it was deposited in a totally different location when the flooding occurred.
The section of highway featured in this report looked like this immediately after the worst of the flooding. It used to be a paved, two-lane State highway.
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