Obama’s Peeps Are Depending On You
By Dell Hill
President Obumbledork may be headed for Hawaii on the 37th leg of his on-going vacation, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be thinking about him; giving many hours of thought to his well-crafted words to the world about his fellow countrymen, while his wife spends enough taxpayer money to keep the 7th Fleet in operation for a year.
While he’s enjoying the native Hawaiian cuisine, we’ll be forcing down a Big Mac and fries, along with a heaping platter of snark.
“It’s Amazing. Every day I look in this mirror and see lazy Americans”
“President Obama has always been able to open up better when speaking in foreign nations, because they … get … him. I think we Americans have always been a little standoffish with him, as we just don’t relate to him very well, so you can understand his being more comfortable in an international setting. So while speaking to CEOs at the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings, he said that American businesses have “been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades.” And this isn’t the first time he’s criticized American businesses, as last September he said that our country “had gotten a little soft” over the last couple of decades.
Now, I know the typical reaction here is to get all angry and point your chubby finger back at him and say that while he’s calling us lazy it seems like he’s on the golf course half the time, but that’s just kneejerk and stupid. If we were smart, we’d consider this criticism instead of continuing to blame Obama for what’s wrong with our economy. Maybe it’s time for us to really take a look at ourselves and ask: Is Obama actually a great president, and we’re just a lousy country?
It’s not really that radical a question. I mean, look at him: He’s a bright, Harvard-educated man who’s not only been to other countries but has actually lived in them — he knows cultures and viewpoints beyond the narrow ones we have here. And he surrounds himself with the greatest minds on earth. And who are we, compared to him? We’re a bunch of slobs, really. Kind of ignorant. Maybe a little racist. And we surround ourselves with bowls of flavored corn chips. But the country’s problems are supposed to be his fault? Does that make sense?
Look at what Obama did to try and get our economy going. He had this big, hundreds of billions of dollars stimulus that was designed by all the great economists who work in his administration — the top minds. It should have worked. The economy should be roaring right now and unemployment a thing of the past. America should be a utopia. So what was missing from the equation? That the people the stimulus was used on are a bunch of lazy dimwits. Obama did everything he possibly could, but apparently Americans just aren’t very good at running businesses and creating jobs. Obama has given us so many advantages that even chimpanzees should have been able to create jobs, but we just sit there like useless blobs while our companies crumble around us. We’re failing the country. We’re failing him.”
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