“What is it with these people? Do they not realize that flying half-way around the world on separate flights costs an incredible amount of money? Do they even care?”
The Obamas Love This Toy! Navy Photo
By Dell Hill
“Barack Obama announced today that he will stay in Washington until Congress passes the extension of the payroll tax holiday.
The Hill reported:
President Obama is not vacationing in Hawaii with his wife and children while the extension of the payroll tax holiday remains in limbo, and has warned GOP congressional leaders to stay in town as well.
Obama had planned to fly to Hawaii with his family on Dec. 17 and stay there through New Year’s.
After getting ripped by GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney over his vacation plans, Obama told Senate Democratic leaders Wednesday that he will stay in town until Congress finishes work on the payroll tax holiday, unemployment benefits and other issues.
Obama told Democratic leaders: “Michelle and the girls are going to have a great time in Hawaii, they don’t need me there,” according to Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev.).”
Sooooo, in other words, that huge jet known as Air Force One (only when the President is on the plane) will be making at least TWO round trips to Hawaii....one with MoosHell and the kids and one with the President, his golf clubs and snorkel tube on board.....Just as I predicted a few short days ago.
And what are the odds that the First Lady, along with her daughters, climb aboard that very same big jet and fly back to Washington before The Won??
What is it with these people? Do they not realize that flying half-way around the world on separate flights costs an incredible amount of money? Do they even care?
I think not.
“If a Republican President did this............”
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