“How dare you, Glenn Beck. How dare you. Mrs. Pelosi was dead wrong for accusing the Tea Party of racism and so are you. If you can see no difference between Mr. Obama and Mr. Gingrich other than the color of their skin, then that says far more about your warped fixation on race than it does about those two men.” - Dr. Milton R. Wolf
By Dell Hill
This is some pretty heavy-duty stuff, right here. Perhaps a perfect example of why I choose not to watch the TV talking heads.
“If you have a big-government progressive [in Mr. Gingrich], or a big-government progressive in Obama, ask yourself this, Tea Party: Is it about Obama’s race? Because that’s what it appears to be to me,” effused Mr. Beck in a recent interview with Fox News’ Judge Andrew P. Napolitano.
“If you’re against him [Mr. Obama] but you’re for this guy [Mr. Gingrich], it must be about race. I mean, what else is it? It’s the policies that matter.”
My first reaction to that brace of 57 words uttered by Glenn Beck can’t be published here. To suggest I was flabbergasted by the very suggestion that I - and millions like me - are racist because we might consider voting for Newt Gingrich rather than Barack Obama doesn’t settle very well in my craw. In fact, I forced myself to cool my jets for a day or two before putting my fingers to the keyboard in reaction.
Now, days later, I’m still incensed with the very blurb that will define Beck’s legacy as a political analyst. The man is loosing his mind and appears to be edging perilously close to a total breakdown.
There’s just no way to even try to justify this extremely foolish utterance.
I’m not alone. Dr. Milton R. Wolf, a Washington Times columnist, offered these pointed words in reaction:
“How dare you, Glenn Beck. How dare you. Mrs. Pelosi was dead wrong for accusing the Tea Party of racism and so are you. If you can see no difference between Mr. Obama and Mr. Gingrich other than the color of their skin, then that says far more about your warped fixation on race than it does about those two men. That you would publicly accuse anyone of racism for preferring Mr. Gingrich over Mr. Obama reveals your profoundly flawed judgment.
I am one of those Tea Partyers, Mr. Beck, and I’m also Barack Obama’s cousin. I’m enormously proud that America has elected a black president and I’m also enormously proud to call this president family. Still, I have profound differences in opinion with Mr. Obama.
Tragically, he misunderstands the greatness of America and believes it is found in our bloated bureaucracies and government regulations. He believes America suffers because our government is too small. I believe our greatness is found in our free people and a free market. I believe America suffers precisely because government has grown too bloated and intrusive. Given the alternative, I choose Mr. Gingrich’s vision for America, particularly one made answerable to the Tea Party, over Mr. Obama’s. Are you calling me a racist, Mr. Beck?
If we are to achieve a post-racial society, false charges of racism must be condemned, whether they arise from the left or the right, because they can be every bit as harmful as racism itself. You have discredited yourself, Mr. Beck, and I believe you have done yourself irreparable harm. Of course, that is your choice. But your shameless use of repulsive, two-bit race-hustler tactics threatens to discredit the limited-government movement Tea Partyers embrace - those Tea Partyers who, unlike you, are not strangely fixated on race.”
Dell’s Bottom Line: Thank you, Dr. Wolf, for writing what I’d describe as a perfect reaction. My own version would have included words of a more guttural and adversarial nature.
Seek professional help, Glenn Beck. Your sanity is a terrible thing to lose.
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