The Woman Can Smell Money From Ten Miles Off
By Abraxas
A female accusing a rich and/or powerful man of wrong will attract Gloria Allred like chum attracts sharks. And right on cue, her dorsal fin has just sliced through the ocean of litigation to win the job of representing the fourth accuser of Herman Cain.
Oh, Lord - here it comes again. The sight of Allred (in a wincing red outfit) sitting next to a blubbering broad who will be scrunching up her face to make us think she's 'devastated' and 'deeply distraught'. And, of course, Gloria will be doing what she always does (after she trowels on 3 lbs. of makeup on her upper eyelids alone) - having the time of her life. Norma Desmond descending the staircase couldn't be more thrilled with those Kleig lights than Gloria. It's all about her.
It's certainly not about her clients. Come on - when have any of us ever heard of Allred winning a settlement for her clients?
Nope, me neither.
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